And yes, i have started on a new job just last week. A good 1 week hands-on training. Not too bad. Initially when i attended this interview, it was a 40 mins interview. When i was 15 mins through it, trust me i had this strong feeling that.... nah i am not going to pass this interview. The questions were tough as i am never good at selling my strengths and worth confidently.
Late morning at 1100 hrs the following day, my mobile rang, an unknown number. And i answer all calls regardless of whether the number is familiar or not due to emergency calls. And the call was something which made my day. The agent from the employment agency was on the other line. He surprised me by starting off "Hey, Hi Jacinta. This is Joel here. Congratulations, you have got the offer for yesterday's interview." I was dumbfounded, lost for words even to say 'oh seriously'. And he continued "But before i brief you further, i need to inform you that the hiring manager was impressed with you and is offering you a 12 mths contract instead of the stated 6 mths. If you are ok with this, i will proceed with what you need to do next." And me here who is actually looking for a permanent job of course accepted the 12 mths contract offer.
Honestly, in the first place i was not sure if i could do this job because i do not a finance working experience or academic background and i have not done a KPI requirement job before. I have all along been into Human Resource and manpower in the military for 20 years. But the agent recommended me this position and urged me to give it a shot as he felt this position would be suitable for me. Well, he was right and maybe that's why i heard he's a good recruitment consultant. This 1 week of training went on well and my hiring manager was impressed with the results. On my 4th day, i was able to clear 8 out of 10 cases on my own without supervision. And i ought to give myself a pat on my back "Well done."
I am officially commencing my first day of work tomorrow at my actual working location and i am looking forward to it.